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S.t.e.m. daycare and preschool
Curriculum- Creative Curriculum
Little Innovator's Early Learning Academy utilizes the creative curriculum. The creative curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to the children's learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. This curricula applies the latest theory and research on best practices in teaching and learning the content standards developed by states and professional organizations. While keeping the original environmentally-based approach it clearly defines the teacher's vital role in connecting the content, teaching, and learning for preschool children. It features goals and objectives linked directly to our valid and reliable assessment instrument. The Creative Curriculum enhances social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development.
The Learning Enviroment
Interest Areas
What Your Children Learn
Set up the physical environment and maintain interest areas.
Establish a classroom structure that includes the daily routine and schedule, choice times, and small -and large- group times.
Create a classroom community that promotes positive relationships where children make friends and learn social problem-solving skills.
Dramatic Play
Toys and Games
Literacy: vocabulary and language, letters, words, print, comprehension, books, other forms of text, and sources of enjoyment.
Sand and Water
Mathematics: numbers; patterns and relationships; geometry and spatial awareness, measurements; and data collection, organization, and respresentation.
Music and Movement
Science: physical science, life science, and earth and the environment
Social Studies: spaces and geography, people and how they live, peopl eand the environment, and people and the past.
The Teacher's Role
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool describes the teacher's role as an ongoing cycle of observing children, guiding their learning, and assessing their progress. We motivate children while building on their prior knowledge and strengths, and support their learning in an intentional way by using a variety of strategies to increase their knowledge, skills, and understandings.
Art: dance, music, drama, and the visual arts.
Technology: awareness of technology, basic operations and concepts, technological tools, and preople and technology.